Seeking joy and peace .

Is happiness greater than joy and peace? I think most of us can see the challenges with pursuing happiness on this earth which can sometimes be akin to chasing a humming bird or butterfly. Joy which is measured by great happiness appears to be one that last and far more valuable. It’s tied to and in the blessing and covering of our God, Lord and savior Jesus Christ. It can be so apparent in kids and little ones but its absence in our little one can cause pain to our hearts. Some have tried to revive it with things when it is absent but like so many of these amazing attributes of God like love peace, truth and grace it cannot be bought or sold or found online.

It is found in the love we have for one another in times of togetherness, it is found in our work that is right and pleasing onto our Heavenly Father. It is found in the pursuit, possession and walking in what we know that we are called to do. It can be found in the revelation of a gift we may posses but was previously unaware of and now is applied to serve others with rewards that cannot be measured in silver nor gold.

Keep God’s laws close in our homes and everywhere we go because there is life and peace in it. Keep it on your lips in our homes because the mighty works of Our God must be shared to those that come onto us, through us and after us. There is provision that is lasting, that does not rot or perish because it is an everlasting word that is alive. Our little ones need us to know, and have the word lived and demonstrated in what’s right and pleasing onto God.

We ask for guidance in this, help us know your love so that we can offer it to others. Help us to be gentle in our sharing so that no one may stumble but be lifted and built up in your ways and the direction you have for us so that no one may be lost. Lost in our knowing or thoughts of knowing, lost in our selfish desires, lost in our definitions of godliness that are outside of your will and wrapped up in words and striving towards selfish pursuits. Let us not share false teachings of things that can’t save us from sensual desires and pleasures. Guard our hearts Lord, wash us and make us whole from any brokenness within us. We possess a healthy fear of you and ask for your guidance so that we don’t just agree with anything that is tossed about. I ask you to help our unbelief for those who lack it and help us to kindle the faith of others. I pray that there is less of me and more of you in these words so that only your love comes through. Heavenly Father I ask these things in your precious and Holy name, the name of Jesus.

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