

Who steered you? What were your influences? Whose opinion is valid and relevant? Are there parts of you that wants to go it’s own way? Steering ourselves can be difficult, so imagine if your child is …Sterring How exactly do we improve, is it consistent repetition or the love of learning or receiving reproach with... Continue Reading →

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What are we desiring?

Holding her close with contentment is our heart’s desire but are we good stewards of the heart we hold. Staying faithful needs to be guided by love that first loved us. The One we turn too with expectation of His faithfulness because Our Heavenly Father is faithful. Instruct us Lord Jesus, teach us to be... Continue Reading →

Do not forsake the things of old that anchored. Remember the prayers of those that came before.

The love of our parents who steered us to the word. Even if some of us might have strayed from the beautiful words of prayer they have petitioned on our behalf . We pray that we now find the prayers for our children and their children. Draw us close to you Lord so that we... Continue Reading →

Opportunity for guidance…

Our youth and teens are in need of opportunity to be lead. They need to be tested like arrows in preparation for flight. The values you/we instill through the word may need opportunity in youth to be tested. Opportunities of service, opportunities in showing mercy, opportunity in humility, those in forgiveness, those in demonstrating opportunities... Continue Reading →


Let’s not forsake the Word! Character is as defined in the dictionary with words like personality, disposition, makeup, essence, spirit, complexion, ethos, mold, cast, persona, tone, turn of mind, temperament and so many others. Our children need to be able to access the word from our lips, in the home, in our actions, in devotions,... Continue Reading →

How do our children know what is right? (Updated)

Where can I begin as a parent? Let me take a breath and start with today. Am I prepared when they raise the question why? Parents, let us make every effort to share the word with our children. Let us first know the words for ourselves by walking in it and demonstrating service in devoted... Continue Reading →

What’s most important.

love The importance of education appears to have played a role in the growth in many countries across the world. The system of education has become a possible indicator in relation to income . The perceived success has left all other paths to success less comparable. I have noticed that a family's energy that is... Continue Reading →

Can you change the mind of a teen or anyone for that matter?

Knowing what to do with desire? Getting rid of something that we know is not good for us? Can we identify what is good? What do we do with something our body finds pleasure in? Teens appear to be faster and more open or totally opposite in trying new things than most of us who... Continue Reading →

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