How do our children know what is right? (Updated)

Where can I begin as a parent? Let me take a breath and start with today. Am I prepared when they raise the question why? Parents, let us make every effort to share the word with our children. Let us first know the words for ourselves by walking in it and demonstrating service in devoted... Continue Reading →

Keep calm

When you hear things about your children. Take careful consideration of what you hear about them. Careful to not place negative ideas on your children as your own. Keep believing in them but hold them accountable about how people used their name. Character can go before you and who you are to others can be... Continue Reading →

Keeping the word within your home starts with doing just that and making it part of routine, culture, environment and atmosphere.

Our kids have many questions they need answers to and so do we. I am not sure what exactly occurs in our schools and in our homes as we observe changes in children. It is therefor important to have them incorporate a daily read of the word in their routine and a weekly family devotion.... Continue Reading →

Provision protection and presence are only a few things in being a Dad?

Linked to promises? I like many aim to be the best Dad/Parent I can be and at many times fall short. Without the Source I am nothing. Being who our Heavenly Father calls us to be, is being true to our promises. I am so inadequate independent of Him. Our children need so much that... Continue Reading →

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